08.20 Welcome speech
Pier Mannuccio Mannucci, Flora Peyvandi, Augusto B Federici, Nicola Ciavarella
Chairs: Nicola Ciavarella, David Lillicrap
08.30 Will severe hemophilia become more common in the future? The effects of population demographics on the prevalence of hemophilia
Manuel Carcao, Canada
09.00 Determinants of factor VIII inhibitor risk. Is von Willebrand factor a key factor?
David Lillicrap, Canada
09.30 Endocytosis of factor VIII by antigen-presenting cells: roles of von Willebrand factor and complement
Sebastien Lacroix-Desmazes, France
10.00 Paradigm shift of the treatment of hemophilia A by factor VIII mimicking bispecific antibody
Midori Shima, Japan
10.30 The challenges of innovative therapeutic interventions in hemophilia
Louis M. Aledort, USA
11.00 Break & Poster Session
SCIENTIFIC SESSION 2 – Von Willebrand disease
Chairs: Giancarlo Castaman, Augusto B. Federici
11.30 Von Willebrand factor regulation of blood vessel formation and function
Anna Maria Randi, UK
12.00 Gastrointestinal bleeding in von Willebrand disease: an unresolved problem
Giancarlo Castaman, Italy
12.30 The potential use of nanobodies In the treatment of von Willebrand disease (VWD) and hemophilia
Peter Lenting, France
13.00 Lunch & Poster Session
Chairs: Pier Mannuccio Mannucci, Massimo Franchini
14.30 Desmopressin (DDVAP): 40 years after
Pharmacokinetic modelling to predict FVIII:C response to desmopressin and its reproducibility in non-severe hemophilia A patients
Lisette Schütte (the Netherlands)
Perioperative management of von Willebrand patients with desmopressin: Towards a predictive population PK model
Jessica Heijdra (the Netherlands)
The effect of F8 missense mutations on individual pharmacokinetic parameters of DDAVP response in nonsevere hemophilia A
Janneke Loomans (the Netherlands)
The intracellular binding of FVIII to VWF may allow a clinically useful response to DDAVP in patients with hemophilia A due to FVIII mutations impairing FVIII binding to VWF
Marc Jacquemin (Belgium)
Desmopressin in moderate hemophilia A patients: a treatment worth considering
Janneke Loomans (the Netherlands)
Safety and effectiveness of desmopressin for the management of bleeds, delivery and major surgery in mild-moderate von Willebrand disease: Results of the Pro-Des-Wil study in a cohort of 84 patients
Augusto Federici (Italy)
15.30 Satellite Symposium Sponsored by Sobi
Beyond half-life extension: characterising how rFVIIIFc impacts the immune system
16.30 Break & Poster Session
SCIENTIFIC SESSION 3 – Thrombotic microangiopathies
Chairs: Flora Peyvandi, Johana Kremer Hovinga
17.00 Mechanism of thrombotic microangiopathy: lesson from zebrafish to men
X. Long Zheng, USA
17.30 Differential diagnosis of thrombotic microangiopathies
Jeffrey C. Laurence, USA
18.00 Immune repertoire in acquired TTP
Johana Kramer Hovinga, Switzerland